jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Well, I´m study education and course my second year in this career. And in actually, the reality situation in Chile is bad, because our government of Chile is a simple passive benefactor and he created the real differences between state and private schools.

in the Really the offers are very bad, however the government said in our country at no cost primary and secondary levels in public schools, but for individuals that cannot accede in a private education, in other word, only can accede to a good and high quality education the rich people.

The government only “financed” the public schools and controlled by municipalities who don´t know the true system at the school, and don’t think in the true real situation and necessities in the teachers and the millions of students …. And imposed a system where her view point and system over those others.
I don´t know about any projects to considerably efficient improve the Chilean education, because the government only buy projects about other country and cultures for example Canada , new Zeeland, México etc and not considered the real situation at the Chileans schools.

From my personal experience and vision about the education in our country… I believe “the education should be a right of the government”. Because is the only way for start a new best future.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


Well today me and my partner in the classes visited the page http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/, this page its funny, but if you know English! And in my case, sometimes was very difficult because I don´t understand some games for example “beat the keeper” and finally that result very boring for me …. Because in that game doesn’t have the instructions and I never can understand.
In this page I recommended the link “pronunciations tips” because in these I can learning more thing because in that system of symbols for writing the sounds of English, I have a guide to these symbols and also videos to show how to pronounce each of the sounds and that’s really was fantastic! .
And finally I liked “the flat mates” because in that I saw funny videos and practice my English … and I like these types of activities because I need more pronunciation! These help me… because I watch a lot series without subtitles.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

eathquake by nati

The February 27th 2010 is a day very important, because this changed my life and the course of our Chilean`s history. This disaster was my first hard earthquake …
This 27 of February I was with my boyfriend Marcelo and his partners on the happy birthday`s Joaquin while we dancing reggae ton, the electricity the turn off and I think wow.., this should be a power cut… but in a little moment all scared starting, and something disturb the normal state, then the terra moving very strong, and I said hey guys stop! this is an earthquake! and I running and hug to my boyfriend while he said me to be unconcerned I love you my baby, stop please… don´t cry… while I was tembling with fear and I said oh my good stop please stop no more please.
More later of these critical moment , I call to my house with my cell phone and I can spoke with my mother , she was good and the rest of my parent too.

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

I am natalia calderon nivel 3

Hi! My name is Natalia Calderon I have 20 years old, I’m studying playgroup assistant and elementary teaching in the University of Chile, at the social science faculty.

My favorite place in the world is Eater Island and I’m playing football for Juan Gomes Millas selection.

Well my expectations in this course are learning to speak and write in english, because for me are very interesting the differents languages and I am think…this course is very important for my laboral life, because one day I need teaching this language for my students.