jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010


Well, I`m studying to become a preschool teacher and in my opinion the innate abilities help and this depending on the objectives of every teacher, some people have your ours innate abilities for communication with children, others are charismatic .but the most important thing are the abilities learnt for example learn a little of psicology, anthropology or pedagogic bases etc.

Actually, this course sometimes missing how I can work work in the real practice and how I can teach them, sometimes I want to know why they are like that; how they feel, think, etc.In my career not all the time talking about this important things.

The real benefit of these improvements is a united faculty, which it can to resolve the problems of their students in common agreement with every opinion. This career give a toolbox for example the initial Practice, there we can experiment that we are going to do when we`ll become professional people. In this subject, we have to go to the schools and observate the teachers and students, then we must analyze them and finally to draw conclusions.

Well, in five years I hope to be with a university degree and studying a master´s degree, because I like the psichopedagogy, so I would love to a degree in this subject. For me the teachers never should feel prepared, they need teaching improvement.

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

Tecnology in my life XD

Cell phone is one of the best invention of the world. When I was sixteen years old I had my first one. I asked for a cell phone because I went out everyday with my friends and if my mother needed me she just called me. Since 2005 nobody can separate my phone from me. Now I can’t sleep if it isn’t under my pillow. It is my phone, my clock, my diary, my games, my camera, definitely it’s all for me. I use it everyday, in the morning it wakes me up, it let me know everything I have to do in my day if I have bought something or it’s somebody’s birthday for example; it has all my friends` phone numbers and their mails and pictures of people I love. All my life is in it. I think that if it didn’t exist I would have to buy many things and take them in my bag all the time.

Other of my favorite piece of technology is the TV, I’m seeing hours TV, it can hypnotize to me. I walk for all channels, I’m seeing series, movies, documentaries even music (video clip), but the TV is perfect when I connect the DVD and the stereo. Sometimes I think… my life without TV would be very bored.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

A FaNtAsTiC PlaCe iN YoUr cItY

Travel for Chile something is very difficult if you don´t have a money, for this in this instance, I elected a wonderful place in my city …. incredible not?, well this place is a very good place to visit here in Santiago of Chile, it is the Metropolitan park, because this big green lug located in San Cristobal Hill, is a other world in that polluted Santiago city.

Because when I went with my boyfriend to practice tracking, three years ago, I love this place because from anyplace of the San Cristobal Hill, you can see all our city, and that is a fantastic and beautiful sensation. Besides it´s has a religious sense in fact there is a great Virgin in the high up on the hill.
As well, in the middle of the way to arrive there you can to visit the Zoo and to know many kinds of animals. Or other opportunity too, for know more about interesting and fantastic places in our city, are the botanicals gardens for example Japanese garden, Mapulemu garden and too squares for example my favorite the square Gabriela Mistral.

Well class this is one of my favorite place, I wait yours commentaries
see you next class!

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

JeAn PiAgeT (1896-1980)

He was born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, in 9 August 1896 and he died in 16 September 1980. He was a big philosopher, psychologist and known about pedagogical studies.
His more important theory was of cognitive development and epistemological views are called "Genetic Epistemology."

Piaget considered cognitive structures development as a differentiation of biological regulations. In one of his books, "Equilibration of Cognitive Structures: The Central Problem of Intellectual Development" , he intends to explain knowledge development as a process of equilibration using two main concepts in his theory, assimilation and accommodation, as belonging not only to biological interactions but also to cognitive ones.

The four development stages are described in Piaget's theory as sensor motor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage with that stages he find one of the more than treasures in the psychologist in especial in education .
For me Jean Piaget is very important because of his talent he became to be a reference for our as an the future playgroup assistant and elementary teaching, his subject help to understand as function the cognitive development in the humans and in specially in the children , and in the diverse stages of knowledge necessaries in the actually.

Well, for this big work jean Piaget is for me my favorite expert for that big thing if he used to do in.